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A girl with dark hair wears a swimsuit in the sun but looks troubled


Duration: 1h27m, Age: 12+
Dates: Sun 27 Oct 2024 15:00 - 16:47

Sixteen-year-old Lola is studying for her resits when an opportunity to study for a semester in Germany arises. She wants to travel, but her parents, bogged down by her elder sister’s mental disorder, don’t want her to go. The strenuous family dynamics and her eroding relationship with her sister make Lola insist on travelling and start looking for experiences that may provide her with a different perspective on herself and her circumstances.

Alemania offers an honest and moving perspective on how mental illness affects a family and, especially, a young person.




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A realistic look at mental health in a family context… realistic story between two struggling sisters… performances were amazing and consistent to how their character should act… accurate representation of mental health struggles.
Discovery Young Ambassadors