Continue Without Losing Consciousness
Rob Churm, Raydale Dower and Tony Swain
28 June - 24 August 2014
Continue Without Losing Consciousness was an exhibition of contemporary art by Rob Churm, Raydale Dower and Tony Swain presented alongside a series of music and performance events that take place in and amongst the works.

Rob Churm creates drawings, collages and prints which take their inspiration from underground comics and zines and from artists like Giovanni Battista Piranesi and William Blake. Raydale Dower will install sound and sculptural works which play with duration, volume and void. Tony Swain paints directly onto printed newspaper pages to create his works. All three have worked with contemporary art and music in Scotland since the 90s.
Rob Churm, Raydale Dower and Tony Swain have previously worked together on an exhibition entitled Le Drapeau Noir as part of the 2010 Glasgow International Festival. This exhibition explored avant garde mythology, Dada, café culture anarchic history and underground music in a temporary artist café.
For Continue Without Losing Consciousness we have worked with the artists to develop their original concept into new projects for the DCA Galleries. The exhibition will include prints, paintings, sculpture and sound works; presented alongside a series of events, concerts and interventions that will take place throughout the run of the show, please see the following pages for more details.

This exhibition was part of GENERATION a major, nationwide exhibition programme showcasing some of the best and most significant art to have emerged from Scotland over a period of 25 years. Find out more at generationartscotland.org.
GENERATION is being delivered through a partnership between National Galleries of Scotland, Glasgow Life and Creative Scotland. GENERATION is part of the Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme, which is a partnership between the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee, Glasgow Life and Creative Scotland. GENERATION has ambitious goals to raise the profile of contemporary art in Scotland and to increase access and participation. It is being produced with the assistance and expertise of partners including VisitScotland and EventScotland, British Council Scotland, Museums Galleries Scotland, Education Scotland, Young Scot, Children in Scotland and the BBC.