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Heather Phillipson's exhibition - a large pink circular structure sits in DCA Galleries. It is sitting on a floor covered in green paint, and there are green paint splotches on the walls. Behind the structure, is a large printed photograph of a blue sky with a green field. There is a cut-out photograph of a green tree with red flowers in front of the pink structure, and two large cut-out photographs of worms.

Heather Phillipson

sub-fusc love-feast

06 September - 09 November 2014

To coincide with Discovery Film Festival, DCA showed a new exhibition by Heather Phillipson, sub-fusc love-feast, in autumn 2014.

From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. A large cut-out photograph of a finch sits on top of some equally large cut-out photographs of strawberries. In the background, statues of flamingos and giraffes can be seen.

Phillipson (born London, 1978) works across video, sculpture, music, text and live events. Her work has been presented at major venues including Tate Britain, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Serpentine Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, Palais de Tokyo and Biennial of Moving Images, Geneva.

Phillipson is also an award-winning poet and was a LUX Associate Artist in 2012.

Held annually at DCA, Discovery Film Festival is Scotland’s international film festival for young audiences.

Heather Phillipson: Exhibition Notes

Click here to download the Exhibition Notes for Heather Phillipson: sub-fusc love-feast
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Exhibition images

Heather Phillipson's exhibition - a large pink circular structure sits in DCA Galleries. It is sitting on a floor covered in green paint, and there are green paint splotches on the walls. Behind the structure, is a large printed photograph of a blue sky with a green field. There is a cut-out photograph of a green tree with red flowers in front of the pink structure, and two large cut-out photographs of worms.
From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. A large cut-out photograph of a finch sits on top of some equally large cut-out photographs of strawberries. In the background, statues of flamingos and giraffes can be seen.
From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. Cut out photographs of rats sit on a green table made out of plywood. There are also large cut-out photographs of legs and feet.
From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. A cut-out photograph of a heron is placed on top of two boxes of Volvic water. The background is a photograph of a lake with green fir trees.
From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. Visitors to DCA Galleries sit on a hill made out of fake grass in DCA gallery. They watch three projector screens, which say 'The Animals' on them in purple writing.
From Heather Phillipson's exhibition. A cut-out photograph of a group of monkeys sitting on a log.