Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen
From the Edge
08 September - 18 November 2012
Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen is a Danish artist who lives and works in London. This exhibition brings together a selection of his video works.

Tales from the Periphery is a pair of films exploring the lives of young people living in deprived areas of Europe. Nikolaj spent months holding workshops for teenagers living in Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris, and in Gellerupparken, a suburb of Aarhus in Denmark. Both areas are often associated with crime and unemployment. With the artists help, the young people filmed themselves to show a different side of their lives. The results are fascinating, touching and refreshing.
In Rendezvous, Nikolaj follows the rarely-explored lives of a group of migrant Indian workers in Dubai and sets this footage against images of their families, who still live at home in Kerala. Finally, No Place Like Home is an experimental documentary which explores the vast desert areas surrounding Dubai, one of the worlds fastest developing urban areas.