Vote for our Community Greenspace
Dundee Climate Fund 3.0 is here and we'd love for you to vote for our project
The Dundee Climate Fund has been set up to support community-led climate change projects, where the citizens of Dundee will decide how to spend a budget that supports the delivery of the city's Climate Action Plan. This final round asks Dundee residents to vote for their chosen projects and we hope you'll be interested in voting for our Community Greenspace - you don't have to pick one project, you can vote for as many as you'd like to see in the city!
Art has the power to help us to imagine and inspires action. We are launching a year-long project to raise awareness of the climate emergency through the creation of a vibrant greenspace at DCA in partnership with community groups from across Dundee.
Our plan is to work with a Lead Artist to facilitate a series of workshops with community partners across the city to develop a welcoming greenspace onsite at DCA, which will be open to all and free to access.
We have established relationships Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, Dundee International Women’s Centre (DIWC), Artangel, Maxwell Centre and Dundee Botanic Garden and Grounds. Through these partnerships, we will involve a diverse range of people, including families and young people, in the co-design of our green space.
We will also enlist the help of local experts to help shape the project, including Grow Dundee, an incredible network of existing food growing and community gardens, Bonnie Dundee, who maintain planters across the city, and Creative Dundee, who worked on various similar community-led projects.
Environmental benefits of this project include:
- Community engagement: Local communities will lead the creation of a greenspace, ensuring the space is what their community needs.
- Enhanced urban habitat: Promoting biodiversity and supporting ecosystems.
- Improved air quality: Through the planting of trees and plants.
- Emissions offset: Contributing to carbon sequestration.
Plus, there is robust evidence that green spaces in urban environments enhance mental and physical health, improves wellbeing and aid relaxation.
The greenspace at DCA will provide a welcoming and safe social space in the centre of Dundee, benefiting DCA staff, visitors and local communities. The greenspace will be used for years to come, as a site for future workshops and events.
By voting for our project, you can join us in creating a welcoming, safe, and sustainable greenspace in the heart of Dundee! Vote now by visiting here.
We can begin by doing small things at the local level, like planting community gardens or looking out for our neighbours. That is how change takes place in living systems, not from above but from within, from many local actions occurring simultaneously. Grace Lee Boggs, American author and activistGrace Lee Boggs American author and activist